Dominicans rank fourth among foreigners who acquired U.S. citizenship in 2023

Last year the United States naturalized a total of 878,500 people, of which 4% were of Dominican origin, according to that nation’s Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

In the year 2023, the North American nation has granted citizenship to 35,200 citizens of the Dominican Republic, surpassed only by Mexicans (111,500), Indians (59,100) and Filipinos (44,800).

The other largest groups are Cubans (33,200), Vietnamese (32,800) and Chinese (25,800).

With 2,393,718 Dominican residents throughout its territory, the United States remains the nation that concentrates the largest number of Dominicans living outside the country, with New York, New Jersey, Florida, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania being the five states with the highest Dominican community.

As for cities, New York, with 935,759, is the third in terms of concentration of Dominicans, behind Santo Domingo and Santiago.

Italy is the third destination for Dominican migrants with a concentration of 28,812 citizens, followed by Canada with 22,125 and Chile closes the top five with 19,481.

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